Well, the real robot is out of scope at the moment.
My problem /my (mis?-)understanding is as follws:
1. The Grashopper Lin. Move-Command gets a plane as input.
2. This plane has a normal-vector (blue z-axis) that defines an axis-system positioned in rhino world-coordinates.
3. Rhino origin (0/0/0) is identical to the origin of the robots selected base-coordinates.
4. Inside the Grashopper Custom Tool settings I define origin & orientation of the tool's axis-system in relation to the robot's wrist.
--> Problem No. 1: if I leave the A/B/C-rotation unchanged (=0), the tool-axis system shown in Rhino (Z-Axis facing up) differs from that shown in the custom-tool dialog (X-axis facing down).
(see screenshot in the attachement).
5. Now I generate some simple linear movements by projecting curve-points to a plane. Normals of the planes all facing upwards parallel to Rhino world Z-Axis.
6. Simulation works well, Tool-Z-axis is in line with position-plane-Z-axis. No rotation at all. A/B/C = 0 (in Rhino world or robot base resp.).
--> Problem No.2: there is a constant 90°-rotation around B-axis in the generated Kuka-Code. It seems like the Lin.-Move command is taking the X-axis of the positioning plane as tool axis reference.
(see screenshot in the attachement).
My problem /my (mis?-)understanding is as follws:
1. The Grashopper Lin. Move-Command gets a plane as input.
2. This plane has a normal-vector (blue z-axis) that defines an axis-system positioned in rhino world-coordinates.
3. Rhino origin (0/0/0) is identical to the origin of the robots selected base-coordinates.
4. Inside the Grashopper Custom Tool settings I define origin & orientation of the tool's axis-system in relation to the robot's wrist.
--> Problem No. 1: if I leave the A/B/C-rotation unchanged (=0), the tool-axis system shown in Rhino (Z-Axis facing up) differs from that shown in the custom-tool dialog (X-axis facing down).
(see screenshot in the attachement).
5. Now I generate some simple linear movements by projecting curve-points to a plane. Normals of the planes all facing upwards parallel to Rhino world Z-Axis.
6. Simulation works well, Tool-Z-axis is in line with position-plane-Z-axis. No rotation at all. A/B/C = 0 (in Rhino world or robot base resp.).
--> Problem No.2: there is a constant 90°-rotation around B-axis in the generated Kuka-Code. It seems like the Lin.-Move command is taking the X-axis of the positioning plane as tool axis reference.
(see screenshot in the attachement).