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Messages - Alexander Nikolas Walzer

Support / Robot-Tool and Robot-Robot collision check ?
August 04, 2015, 08:47:19 AM
Hi guys!

Second topic, sorry  :P

I was wondering.. Custom Tool lets you preview any mesh tool and clicking the component of course gives you options of numerically inputing the tool dimensions and simulate the path but it doesn't give you any feedback about collision from tool and robot, right?
Also it would be nice to have a Robot&tool-Robot&tool collision check for multirobot setups! :)
This would save time in longer paths.

Any workaround?

Gday from Melbourne,
Support / Varying speeds
August 04, 2015, 06:20:00 AM
Dear Robotlovers,

Firstly, nice to meet you! This is my first post here  ;D
I have been working with different softwares for now, some make it more easy to control / vary the speeds along a path.
I was wondering if this can be approached with a certain number of controll points / planes or if there is another way of varying the speeds withouth having to split the path into dozens of segments and merging it with specific speeds assigned to each fragment?

All the best from Australia,