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Topics - MkMrA2

Support / Generate E5 and E6 External Axes Values
July 18, 2022, 05:10:12 PM

Our robot setup necessitates specifying all the external axis (E1 through E6). Right now PRC generate E1 through E4 in the code (all 0). But when I run a program it says "Impermissible start motion". The error occurs on this line:

STARTPOSITION - BASE IS 0, TOOL IS 4, SPEED IS 10%, POSITION IS A1 0,A2 -65,A3 78,A4 0,A5 -102,A6 0,E1 0,E2 0,E3 0,E4 0

If I add E5 0, E6 0 at the end it works.

Is there a way for me to generate those extra axes in the code that PRC outputs?

Support / Feature Requests
July 25, 2019, 06:19:47 PM

I wanted to log two feature requests (or learn where I may have missed these features in the existing implementation!)

1) A simple checkbox in the UI to allow A6 to not generate an error if it spins beyond the limits. We do this a lot and it confuses students when the Core turns red but the code runs just fine.

2) The ability to read the transformations of each axis at each frame of the simulation. We hacked this using the mesh at each frame and computing the transformation between mesh vertices frame to frame. A more elegant solution would be welcome! I'm using this to allow Fologram to draw the robot simulation in augmented reality.

Hoping these can be considered!

Support / Simulation bug or Singularity ?
February 05, 2019, 11:47:25 PM

I was doing some tests with motion analysis trying to see different motions using PTP, LIN and SPL commands.
The motion path is a combination of 180 degree in place rotation (in 30 steps)+linear translation+ combination of 360 rotation and translation (in 30 steps).

Using PTP movement:
The simulation performs the path completely without any error or singularity alert.

Using LIN Movement:
The simulation makes a sudden move in the initial part of path (180 in place rotation) also the Core component turn into singularity orange color.

Using SPL Movement:
The simulation makes a sudden move in the initial part of path (180 in place rotation) also the Core component turn into error red color.

Combined movement:
Using PTP movement in the initial part (180 in place rotation) and LIN movement in the second (linear translation) and SPL in the last part. The simulation performs the path completely with out any error or singularity.


1_ What does the "sudden rotation" in the simulation in the initial part of the path mean ? is it a singularity that the Core cannot capture ?
2_ Why does PTP work well for the whole path while LIN gives "singularity alert" and SPL "gives out of reach error"?