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Topics - Angel Lara

The Digital Prototyping Lab (DPL) is seeking an enthusiastic and dedicated individual to join the team and become an integral part of the AA's digital fabrication facility.

With a major upgrade just completed, the DPL now has a custom-built robotics cell, which houses two KUKA robotic arms for use in architectural education. The role of the Robotic Fabrication Technician will be to provide crucial expertise in robotics by teaching, supporting and developing student projects. This role also means working closely with DPL staff to maintain the smooth running of the lab, including the supervision and teaching of students using laser cutting, CNC milling and various 3D printing technologies.

The Robotic Fabrication Technician will report to the Head of Digital Prototyping and collaborate with DPL staff and student assistants

Apply following the link below!
Hello RobArch community

Exciting news! The AA has  recently welcomed to its Digital Prototyping Laboratory in London two new KUKA Robotic Arms to be used in research and architectural education.
As such, we are currently looking for a Robotic Technician who can help take care of our robots and get involved in the dynamic environment of the lab (workshops, 1 to 1 tutoring, research).
Please see attached for the full job description.