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Messages - Maestrale

General Discussion / Re: Digital input problem
December 22, 2020, 07:05:23 AM

Thank you for the email, new KrcPRC version and temporary licence.

Our issue is resolved with that version of krcPRC
General Discussion / Digital input problem
December 20, 2020, 08:11:14 PM

Please help with the issue

I have a project in grasshopper for KR16 and have a problem generating KRL code for inputs
Robot needs to get input signal 30 times on the same input. KRL gets created fine and WAIT FOR $IN[1] is added fine first 15 times, but after that starts to get wrong input numbers like WAIT FOR $IN[338]

Program versions:
Rhino Version 6 SR29
Grasshopper Version 25 August, 2020
Kuka|PRC Version 2019-06-14 Community Edition

Thank you for any help