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Messages - Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Support / Re: HWC - static tool, moving block
May 19, 2015, 08:11:52 AM
Hello Ken,

The new PRC quite accurately tracks the axis values so you should be able to detect such issues much more quickly. You can adjust the initial posture of the robot by either adjusting the status value (three binary values, e.g. 010) either in the menu or by adding a PTP position with a status value at the beginning of the job. This often helps with reorientations as well.
The new PRC works alongside the old one, however you must not "mix" components, i.e. only use the new LINear movements for the new PRC. Also, there was a change in regards to the custom tool, where you now have to place your mesh as if it were on the robot's flange, i.e. the X axis facing "downwards".

I've also unlocked your account so that you can access the member section with the new KUKA|prc.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecu
Support / Re: New to PRC
May 14, 2015, 11:50:39 AM
Hello Lewis,

First of all sorry for the late reply, somehow I wasn't notified of a new post on the forum!
Nice job on the definition, I would recommend using the new beta version of PRC as it has got a few features especially in regards to simulation that make these tasks easier.
With an object such as your bowl, a big problem is the reachability if you do not have a turntable. You either have to split your job up (e.g. into three sectors with a different movement strategy) or position the workpiece in a clever way. In the attached example I did the latter.

In any case, if you want your simulation to get close to reality you have to set the right values for tool and base. See also here:,115.0.html

And in regards to the programming I slightly changed your code - basically I divided the toolpath into a number of planes whose normals are oriented away from a point within the bowl. Then their X-axis is oriented towards the robot for better reachability. By adjusting the first point you basically set the toolaxis of the process, and with the second point the rotation around the tool axis.
With the new analysis view you can then quickly evaluate if the job works or not.
Just keep in mind that the Analysis-view only shows the set positions, i.e. there could also be unreachable points in between. To simulate them as well you can also set the "Interpolate LINear Movements" option.

As part of UTAS I've also unlocked the member section for you, if you don't have your license installed please get it from Robin Green.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Support / Re: HWC - static tool, moving block
April 23, 2015, 07:57:12 AM
Hello Pete,

Great to hear about UTAS!
There are ways on the KUKA controller to deal with static tools, however we just did the transformation within Grasshopper. The core part of this operation is the Orient component in Grasshopper where you flip from one coordinate system into another.
I've attached part of an exercise that we did at ACADIA 2014. It contains some additional functionality within the cluster, but the transformation should be clear.
Hope that helps, if not just let me know and I'll see if I have a nicer example around somewhere!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

P.S.: I also just enabled your member access so that you can access the member section. The new PRC version there is quite much improved and you can install it alongside the "old" version that you are probably using. Just note that you will have to adapt any existing examples such as the attached ZIP files as the versions of the components are not compatible (e.g. replace any LIN move component from the old PRC with LIN move from the new PRC).
Awesome, thanks!
What turned out to be the problem, how did you fix it? Just in case anyone runs into the same issue!


Usually you have to configure IOs via WorkVisual before you can set them. There, you basically link the "physical" output of the Beckhoff module with an internal number.
With the Agilus some IOs may be preconfigured, though.
You are already in the right menu with the Display/IOs, it could be that you have to be in Expert mode in order to manually set a digital output.
I can double-check that tomorrow.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Support / Re: yellow tool
March 14, 2015, 06:22:42 PM
Hello Ludo,

Basically the yellow tool signifies that between one position and the next is a large difference in axis values, e.g. when you go through a singularity and A4 flips.
However, in the current public PRC version, PRC doesn't yet track the axis values properly so sometimes you get strange readings. The new PRC version that can currently be tested by members  simulates and tracks all positions, so that you can also spot when e.g. the robot "winds itself up".

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Support / Re: Divide Curve with Stepdown
March 10, 2015, 03:34:53 PM
Hello Ben,

Thank you for the suggestion! These kinds of utility components are always a bit tricky as we have to find a balance between many options and easy-to-use...
In this case you would also have to decide on some kind of safety distance, and then the question is whether you set the distance by absolute or relative values etc.
I'll see what I can do regarding the stepdown and how to implement the option!

In the meantime I've attached a Grasshopper script how you could also achieve that!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Excellent, great to hear that it's working!
By the way, I've just uploaded a new version for the Trial version of KUKA|prc today, so it may make sense to re-download it.
The previous trial-version would expire in about three weeks.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Hello Yuan,

That looks quite normal, I wouldn't expect any problems from the file itself. Maybe you could try to copy it first via Windows to the D: drive and then using the smartPAD from D: to the robot.
You can get into Windows via the Minimize HMI function (I believe it's in "Service", it definitely again requires Expert rights).

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Hello Yuan,

The photo is very low-resolution, are you using the Archive to transfer files? I've never tried that, so I cannot really comment on that.
At workshops we usually use the USB port, it's just important to know that USB drives only show up on the smartPAD if you are in "Expert" (or higher) mode - via Configuration/User Group.
Then copy the file onto the robot (e.g. to R1/Program) and start it from there.

If the problem persists try taking a look into the generated SRC file (open it in Notepad) and check if it looks alright/if there is anything in the file.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Hello Yuan,

In KUKA|prc, the robot model usually only affects the simulation and not the code generation. So you can definitely use the KR6R900 model, however the simulation will not be accurate as your robot is 200mm shorter. The KUKA KR5 with its 650mm reach may be closer, but its kinematics are slightly different.
The robot may be included in an upcoming version of KUKA|prc, but there are a few other robots in our "public" queue to do first. For members of the Association we integrate their robots models immediately if they are not yet included in PRC.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Tutorials / Re: Tutorials Updated
February 04, 2015, 09:30:42 PM
They are up-to-date for the current free and member release (but not for the new PRC that is currently being tested).

General Discussion / Re: stream control to kuka robot
January 30, 2015, 09:26:34 PM
Hello Ludo,

Yes, a streaming solution is coming up, however it is contingent on a software by KUKA that has not yet been made available publicly yet. You will need a robot with KRC4, but no additional hardware.
You can copy files over Ethernet to the robot, however in order to be able to execute them you need to manually copy them via the navigator, i.e. you cannot tell the robot to keep looking for files that he then launches (there is a tool called DirLoader, but that's more elaborate).

If you've got an older KRC2 controller you can look into sending data via a serial port to the robot, google "KUKA CREAD CWRITE"
It's not too hard to send single commands, but gets tricky when you want smooth movements.

Hope that helps!
Johannes @ Robots in Architecture
Support / Re: Read tool path from SRC-file
January 21, 2015, 06:32:33 PM
Hello Toni,

The new KUKA|prc release that is currently in "internal beta" now contains an experimental component for importing existing KRL code as per your suggestion.
You should have just received an eMail with the download instructions.

Kindly treat the new KUKA|prc version as experimental, it's a very significant improvement over the previous version, but not yet sufficiently tested and still in rapid development.
As a teaser, here is a screenshot of the new PRC controlling a (theoretical) 10-axis setup with two linear axis and a 2-axis positioner.
