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Messages - Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


You are correct about the base and tool - you first have to calibrate the tool and base on the robot and then use the same number that was set at the robot inside KUKA|prc. The XYZABC values in KUKA|prc are only used for the simulation.
There is a particular reason for that - let's assume that a milling tool breaks and you have to put in a new one. If the values were hard-coded, you would have to go back into KUKA|prc and change them there again. As only the ID is referenced, you just have to save the new tool with the same tool-number.

By default we're using X as the tool axis in the tool definition - as in the KUKA manuals. If you go into the settings of the Custom Tool component, there is an illustration. However, you can use the Z-axis as well, there is an option in the KUKA|prc settings for it (though I'm not 100% sure if it's already available in the trial version).
If you're using planes as the input for movements, the planes' positive Z-axis will be the tool axis. to sum things up: You assumed correctly!

General Discussion / Re: Hello,
November 21, 2013, 10:30:41 PM
Sure, there you go:

KUKA|prc Core generates the KRL code (double-click it to go into settings and set an output directory, though), If you enable Collision checking (in the settings, Simulation tab) you can plug a mesh object into the COLLISION input input and KUKA|prc will check for collisions. The default tool is just the initial tool that will be used, e.g. one of the included spindles. Every tool you measure in at the robot will get a number - it's important that you give the tool you're using the same ID as how you saved it at the robot.
KINEMATIC is the output for the virtual robot component - KUKA|prc simulates only the end-effector, if you attach the Virtual Robot component you can also simulate the full kinematic movements of the robot.
Don't worry about the ENDEFFECTOR and ORIENTATION outputs, they are just geometry, if you need it e.g. for rendering or visualization.

The ENABLE toggle will go away in the next version, it's actually highly redundant with Grasshopper functionality as was a bad idea to start with... Anyway...
Also take a look at the existing examples in the Tutorials section, this should make the data flows clearer as well.

Hope this helps you along!

P.S.: I've taken the liberty of renaming the topic to "Getting started with KUKA|prc" to make it easier for people looking for similar information.
General Discussion / Re: Hello,
November 21, 2013, 10:04:45 PM

Good initial reading are the KUKA manuals, which you should have received with your robot (if not, I can send you a few) - this will make it easier to understand some aspects.
Basically, KUKA|prc works with the principle that you just queue up commands, mostly movements. There are several types of movement, e.g. linear, PTP, spline, circular (see manual for details) which require different inputs.
It's just essential to know that you need more data than just XYZ to define a robot position - XYZ is enough for a 3-axis CNC machine, a 5-axis machine already requires the definition of XYZ plus a tool axis. With the robot, you at least have to define XYZ, plus tool axis, plus the rotation around the tool axis (in KUKA|prc: orientation). So you either define a position via a plane (fulfills the requirements) or via three points, with the first base point defining the tool center point (XYZ), the second point the tool axis, and the third point the orientation around the tool axis. You can switch between plane mode and 3-point mode by right-clicking a movement component.
Even with the endeffector clearly defined, there are still 8 different ways how a robot could approach that positon (see status/turn in the KUKA manual).
If you want to have the robot follow a line, you either have to divide the curve into many planes, or into many "triplets" of points. Some of KUKA|prc components take care of the work (e.g. divide by distance, which requires a base curve, a guide curve, and an orientation point - it gets the base points from dividing the base curve, the guide points from dividing the guide curve, and the orientation from the point).

Hope this makes it a bit clearer!
General Discussion / Re: Hello,
November 21, 2013, 04:21:39 PM

No problem, I moved the topic!
It depends if you have got previous experience with Grasshopper and what you would like to do with KUKA|prc. You've already seen the tutorial section which is helpful for playing around with existing definitions, the first post there also contains a PDF tutorial. We also do quite a few workshops each year, though I can't provide any fixed dates for 2014 yet.
So what are your plans?

Support / Re: Speed Control
November 11, 2013, 07:18:23 PM

The current non-member version is from September 2013, you can download it from here:

Or is there a particular reason why you're using an older version?

Support / Re: Speed Control
November 06, 2013, 08:08:25 PM

Which version of KUKA|prc are you using? If you go into the KUKA|prc settings, it will show the version number in the About section.
I'm not really aware of a bug in that area and just tested it myself. You can also attach your GH file in the forum - the attachment option is underneath the text input field.
For KUKA robots you can enter a number between 0 and 2 (m/sec) for linear movements and 0 to 100 (in %) for PTP movements. Just note that if the robot cannot reach the specified speed, it will just move slower!

General Discussion / Re: Homebrew 6 axis controller
November 06, 2013, 08:02:03 PM

Hmmm... That would definitely be interesting, though I do not really have any experience with custom controllers. The problems are most likely in the details, e.g. getting all axes to move perfectly in synch so that you can achieve straight toolpaths.
Keep us updated!

Great to have you here, Freddy!
Tutorials / Example: Automatic Linear Axis Strategies
October 17, 2013, 11:35:22 PM
NOTE: This example uses an older version of KUKA|prc!

Title: Using different adaptive strategies for the robot's linear axis
Level: Advanced
Description: The new adaptive linear axis strategies allow finetuning of the robot's rail strategy, e.g. continuous readjustments or only partial readjustments when required.
Requirements: Rhinoceros 5, Grasshopper 0.9.0072, KUKA|prc


At the moment, support for linear rails is in, but it needs some more work, i.e. automated algorithms for ideal placement. That is on our immediate to-do list. Rotary tables will be in as well, but that will take a bit longer.
Regarding the video: While we've worked with that robot before, this isn't one of our projects. To my knowledge the toolpaths were generated in SprutCAM and then postprocessed using KUKA CamRob - it gives you the choice of either having a fixed rotation for each file, or a dynamic adjustment of the rotation values. See for some more information.

Member Section / Important Information for Members
September 19, 2013, 02:15:03 PM
In order to see the member section, you have to be tagged as a member. If you or your institution are members of the Association for Robots in Architecture, please register at the forum and send an eMail with your chosen username to
We will then add you to the Member group!

Thank you!

I've posted an example in the Tutorials section, see,24.0.html
It takes a curve and parametrically divides it into arcs and lines, depending on the angle of the arc's three points.

Just note that you may need the KUKA|prc Trial version that we're going to post later today to work with the file!

Association for Robots in Architecture
NOTE: This example uses an older version of KUKA|prc!

Title: Parametrically dividing a NURBS curve into linear and circular movement commands
Level: Advanced
Description: Divide a NURBS curve into linear and circular movements, reducing file size and improving interpolation compared to a long sequence of just linear movements.
Requirements: Rhinoceros 5, Grasshopper 0.9.0072, KUKA|prc
Tutorials / Example: Spline and Circular Movements
September 19, 2013, 01:23:18 PM
NOTE: This example uses an older version of KUKA|prc!

Title: Using Spline and Circular Movements
Level: Basic (spline), Advanced (circular)
Description: This example shows you how to use the spline command and one way to approximate a curve with arcs (e.g. for older robots that do not support spline movements)
Requirements: Rhinoceros 5, Grasshopper 0.9.0072, KUKA|prc
Hello Jackson,

Below is the reply that I sent to Melissa regarding that issue:

The robot always interpolates between positions. In the case of KUKA|prc, the default interpolation method is C_DIS (at the end of every command), meaning that it interpolates by distance. At a certain point between two points, the robot will start deviating form the direct path to achieve a smooth motion. Things you can do to make it smoother: At the beginning of the KUKA|prc code, add a custom KRL component with a text input of "$APO.CDIS=25" - the would mean that once the robot is 25mm away from the end point, it may deviate from the set path. Another way would be to replace all C_DIS with C_VEL - with C_VEL referring to an interpolation that tries to achieve constant velocity. You can set the amount in percent via $APO.CVEL. For now, you would have to do the replacing either via Grasshopper text tools or - more reliably - with a text editor. Giving users the choice between C_DIS and C_VEL is on the KUKA|prc to-do list, though.
I've attached a manual - it's for KRC2 but works for KRC4 as well. Page 84 should be interesting.
