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Messages - Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


We did a surprising amount of musical projects, like this one (—the video is out of sync often, but it played nicely and in real-time), and also performative projects (e.g., the one Karl posted at

But unfortunately, there is no easy solution; for the e-guitar project, we developed a kind of custom notation system that allowed a non-programmer to time and fine-tune the sound in Grasshopper (followed by a lot of trial and error to get the timing right, but GH nicely supported such an iterative process). On the KUKA side there is a system for time-based programming called ready2animate, but it also has got its limitations and won't help you on an ABB robot.

For that performance (, we used RSI (hard-realtime control on KUKA robots, i.e. one position every 4ms) to map the movement in real-time to the robots. I assume that ABB has a similar system. But hard-realtime can be a pain to deal with.

Hopefully, these pointers will also be useful for an ABB-based application.

The KR120-P is a rather exotic robot, never saw one of those myself. If you have got access to the member version - according to your email that should be possible - then you could put it in as a custom robot as a short-term solution!

Full access to the member section with the software and eBooks is unfortunately only possible for members of the Association for Robots in Architecture. See

Support / Re: Turntable with 3D curve
March 26, 2024, 10:50:06 PM

Here's an example that I put together.
Personally, I would expect several edge cases that are not covered by my simple definition, but hopefully, it will help you with your definition!

General Discussion / Re: rotational_axis
March 22, 2024, 11:50:45 AM

Here is an example with a tool with multiple ends, but it could also use separate tools, of course.
KUKA|prc always uses the most recent tool, so after the tool change, the new tool will be used.

General Discussion / Re: rotational_axis
March 22, 2024, 10:47:10 AM

Well, that depends, you can change your tool (KUKA|prc Change Tool component) to another tool with a different tool number and XYZABC values (make sure they also exist on the robot controller!), or you can rotate the planes that make up your toolpath.

Two things to note: KUKA|prc by default works with X as the tool axis, which can be confusing especially to experienced robot users.
The ABC values are not "unique"; there are multiple combinations that express the same orientation. So don't be alarmed if you rotate a plane and, at a certain point, the ABC values make a large jump.

The posture values relate to the so-called "status" value, which defines the robot's posture through three bits. You should have gotten some KUKA manuals along with your robot; otherwise, you could search for "KUKA KRC manual pdf" or "KUKA KSS pdf" or something similar, and it will have a section on "Status and Turn."
In (my) practice, the essential options are 010 and 110, which (indirectly) set the orientation of A4.
Let me know if you cannot find the relevant PDFs, then I can send you a direct link!

The Rhino origin is always the origin of your base, so when the robot is at base 0, it will stand "on top" of the Rhino global origin. If the base has X set to 500, the robot will move back 500mm so that the base is 500mm in front of it.

I hope that makes sense! We wanted to ensure that the geometry does not "move around", but the robot does.


That depends, if you set the base in the settings to base 0, all movements will be in the world coordinate system. If you set a base, then it will be within that base. Note that KUKA|prc puts the base number into the SRC file, but by default does not hardcode the XYZABC values.

Hello Louis,

You are definitely in uncharted territory here, but technically I don't see anything that should go wrong here. But Macs can be weird sometimes, like with file paths and how strings are formatted.
In this case, make sure to disable krlon. It's an If-Else if... structure that is dates back a long time.


The Mac version is limited regarding its user interface, but the basic functionality work well.
We currently only provide the Mac version as a beta to our members, it is currently not publicly available.


The "problem" with the macOS version is only the UI, the overall KUKA|prc functions are all integrated (though not 100% tested).

If you want to generate KUKA.CNC code on macOS, you can try to use the "headless" (= UI-less) version of KUKA|prc, which is included in the member version.

Get the blue HL Settings component, retrieve the standard values (see screenshot below) and then change the settings manually. If the clipboard causes problems on macOS, I have also included the default settings here as a TXT file. The setting you are looking for is cncon.
Of course this is mostly a developer functionality, so not super user friendly.

And thank you for pointing out the extensions problem, that must have been some automated search/replace which caused that to switch to SRC. This will be fixed in the next version, if it's annoying in your workflow I can also provide you with a early build.

A general note regarding KUKA.CNC: It leaves quite a bit of room for customization, our implementation was built with/for one or two partners. So some settings may not be ideal for you.

Support / Re: Roboteam example
February 24, 2024, 09:55:47 PM

What do you mean about the coordinates changing? Because the Actual Position shows you the current position within the current base using the current tool.
So let's assume that you have got a position 100/0/50 in base 1 and then move to 100/0/50 in base 2.
Even if base 1 and 2 are different within the global coordinate system, the position shown in Actual Position will be the same.
Also, I'm not sure if changing the base has got an immediate effect, or if the positions only update once the robot is moving again. Did you change the base while running the KRL file, or via Display/Variable/Set Variable?

General Discussion / Re: rotational_axis
February 21, 2024, 10:38:55 PM

You can define a custom turntable. Every single-axis turntable consists of a stationary and a mobile part. In addition, you need to set the rotation axis plus a range.
Here is an example, for a horizontal turntable you would use X or Y as the rotation axis.
However, KUKA|prc implements turntables as an offset base, so you can only use 1 positioner in addition to several linear axis. Two turntables will not work.

General Discussion / Re: rotational_axis
February 21, 2024, 11:03:13 AM
Hello Mohammad,

If you have got a linear axis and a turntable, please connect them in the right order. So e.g. plug the robot component into the linear axis (E1) and the linear axis then into the turntable (E2), or the other way round.
