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Messages - victorlin

Hi Johannes,

Where and how do I find the configuration file for ports?
15.5 only says:
Quote15.5 Network communication via UDP and TCP/IP
Certain ports are enabled on the robot controller for communication with external
devices via UDP or TCP/IP.
The following port numbers (client or server socket) can be used in a robot application:
 30,000 to 30,010

Since I couldn't find the config file, I tried to modify the instead.
socket = new DatagramSocket(49152);
socket = new DatagramSocket(30001);
and used 30001 for port on the Gh communicator component.
But it's still outputing null.

Also is 6 axis movement the only command type supported by the communicator?
I tried linear movement command, and the HMI give me an error.


Victor Lin
Hi Johannes,

So I've tested the breakpoint, the program is generating the information, but I'm not reciving it for some reason.
I've already disabled the fireware and any anti-virus programs I have, but still no go.
What would be the next steps in debuging this issue?


Victor Lin
Hi Johannes,

Sorry for the late reply, just had a time to work on the robot now.
Even with the timer, it's still outputing null.
Using SmartSniff to check the traffic, I don't think the robot is outputing any values, as seen in the second attachment, there's no incoming traffic.
Is there some settings I need to do on the robot?


Victor Lin
Hi Everyone,

I'm testing the IIWA, and i'm using the sunrise communicator component to control the IIWA.
I can send commands no problem, but I can't get the component to output an info for axis and pos.
Is there any special setup/hardware required for this?

What I'm trying to do is have grasshopper read the position/torque of the robot, and send different movements accordingly.
This seems to be not possible, since:
1.communicator is no outputing values
2.communicator needs movements commands to work, it cannot simply listen?

Also, When i end the PRC_RunUDP, i'm gettings a few errors on the HMI: socket closed
  at (Native Method)
  at (Unknown Source)
  at (Unknown Source)
  at (
The task didn't terminate within 15.0s: shutdown timeout while waiting ofr Main thread
Doesn't seems to matter much, but are these errors normal?

If someone can give share some thoughts on this.


Victor Lin