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Messages - luispacheco

Yes that was the issue its using ZYX, works perfect now thanks :)
I am tryng to "extract" the position and orientation of the tool , POS_ACT gives me back a list where I can get XYZ ABC plus the external axis, but im not sure how i can transform this to get the euler rotation or RPY, tried converting and I cant seem to get the right rotation, maybe KUKA uses a different orientation convention?
General Discussion / Re: import Gcode to digital output
September 29, 2023, 02:00:22 PM
This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks for clarifying .:)
General Discussion / Re: import Gcode to digital output
September 07, 2023, 08:55:59 PM
I am currently sending a digital output to enable the extruder (ESP32), the flow is controlled manually with a knob or with OSC (UDP) with an esp32. But it should be possible to stop it by just sending having in my case output 1 to turn off. The problem is that the gcode import doest let me put this in between , I see it changes the speed based on the gcode, but not sure how to map the e values from the gcode to the digital output. another idea could be to map an analogue output to the extruder speed and I could implement the logic on the ESP 32 to map the extruder speed accordingly.
General Discussion / import Gcode to digital output
September 06, 2023, 08:40:09 PM
I am wondering if there is any way to use the gcode import so that when the E value is 0 or negative (retraction) there could be a signal out to for example stop the extruder motor. Or how couuld I aproach this issue, I love the fact that the import component takes into account the path speed too so I am also tryng to control the extruder.
General Discussion / Re: kukavarproxy
July 18, 2023, 04:46:41 PM
Thanks for clarifying,

I will try to give it a test and adjust the code.

I will try to install MXA again... might be easier .

General Discussion / kukavarproxy
July 17, 2023, 10:31:34 PM

I am looking into moving our kuka robot with kukavar proxy.

I am able to create and change variables with python without an issue,

my question is related to the program that the robot itself has to run, i found this paper that shows a very minimal code to move the robot  i want to test and move the robot a "small" distance to make sure everything is find, but I see the velocity speed is set to 100%, wich sounds too fast for me.

I wanted to ask here about any advice before testing if anyone has any experience using KUKAvarproxy.And check if the program is "safe" to run.


Support / Re: Configure robot world "coordenates"
June 07, 2023, 11:26:29 PM
Asuming, someone in the last 2 years tried to master the robot and did it completelu wrong, could this be the issue? I checked in the work visual too and the robot looks to be setup correctly on a zeroed world coordenate.
Support / Re: Configure robot world "coordenates"
June 07, 2023, 09:32:13 PM
The variable is set at a frame with all values equal to 0
Support / Re: Configure robot world "coordenates"
June 07, 2023, 04:17:37 PM
Thank You!!!
Support / Configure robot world "coordenates"
May 31, 2023, 08:15:00 PM
This is not PRC specific but maybe you can point me in the right direction. Our KR-30 is now working but when I jog it in world coordanates it still moves with a 45 degree angle diagonal, I am asuming this can be configured in the robot but not sure where.
Understood Thank you , that makes sense. I think indexed could work for now for what we need, in that case I could probably use the digital IO for now.  Thanks!!

Does anyone have any advice on an external rotary table, also is it possible to connect to any servo/stepper to make a custom table?
Just noticed I never replied to this .
Looks like it's working .

Thanks !
Hello Johannes!

Looks like we have the beckoff installed and wired to the X12 connector.

Also, it seems like everything is mapped correctly as we were able to make a manual KRL file that turns on and off the digital output 1.

However we get this error in KUKA//PRC most likely i am doing something wrong.
1. Solution exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Finally, when connecting to an external output is there a ground in the beckoff?