Orient input for 3DPrint Component

Started by mra4, April 27, 2017, 03:45:01 PM

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Hi Johannes and all others,

I try 3D-Printing with KUKAprc. I'd like to use the 3dP(print) component to convert gcode from a slicer to krl. Seems I'm doing something wrong at the orient input. I understand that it expects a point. So I used "construct point" to generate a point from XYZ. Put when I connect the constructed point the 3dp component turns from orange(missing ORIENT input) to red ("1. Solution exception:Input string was not in a correct format.". Tried with a panel "100,0,0" (point without brackets). Any hints how to set orientation?

Thanks, Stefan

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Stefan,

Most likely the error refers to the g-code itself. I've attached an example that works so you can give it a try. Unzip it first, of course!
You may need to select a different post processor. If the syntax looks identical, try opening it with a text editor and deleting everything except 100 lines or so from the middle.
