Rotatory table example

Started by m.v.c., December 15, 2014, 03:11:05 PM

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Hi Johannes:
Could you please upload an example using a rotatory table please?
i cant figure out how to use kuka prc component
Thank you so much

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Sure, it's attached to my post!
Please note that I would consider the turntable support in the current KUKA|prc version "beta", it's actually quite improved in the coming KUKA|prc release (which may go out to some early testers shortly before Christmas or very early 2015).

IMPORTANT: The attached file will only work if you have got a valid KUKA|prc member license installed.



Thanks Johannes:
will test asap


mario vergara


Dear Johannes
Well i tried to modify you definition, since we will be doing some milling and we need the table to rotate
Even though i went to the seetings and cahnged e1 to e2, still i can´t seem to make the table rotate in the simulation
Please see attached files


mario vergara

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Mario,

The component that creates a series of isocurves along a surface predates the turntable (and linear axis) by quite a while, so I never made it work with an external axis. This is why you don't see any movement happening. With the regular movement components (e.g. LINear or PTP) you can manually enter a rotation value via the E01 input.

Do you actively use that component or just used it as a filler? It's important for me to understand what components are frequently used so that we focus on improving those.



Hello Johannes
Yes we do use that component a lot, specially for milling double curvature surfaces
I will see how to use the Linear or ptp component instead for this surface
Thanks for the explanation




Ok so this might help
Still, i can´t figure out how does the e1 parameter works in this case

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


E1 is the rotation value of the external, rotary axis, provide a value between -360 and +360.
To see the rotation happening, please plug a mesh of your piece into the input of the rotary table. With the current KUKA|prc version you will not see the toolpaths rotate (already implemented for the next version).
It may be easier to see if your shape isn't a rotational form or if it is placed off-center.
