Advice for new rotary external axis

Started by luispacheco, May 08, 2023, 10:48:55 PM

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Does anyone have any advice on an external rotary table, also is it possible to connect to any servo/stepper to make a custom table?

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Luigi,
Unfortunately you can only use KUKA motors for that - even if you buy the mechanical system from somewhere else.
You can of course always just send some data to a microcontroller that controls a robot, but you will probably only be able to use that for indexed and not for synchronized positioning - so in the case of milling that you change the rotation to increase reachability, then the robot mills, then you reposition etc., versus continuously rotating like you would do for clay forming.


Understood Thank you , that makes sense. I think indexed could work for now for what we need, in that case I could probably use the digital IO for now.  Thanks!!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

For the digital IO look into signals. It's a way to group IOs so that you can then set an integer, which the IOs express in a binary form. By default they are only positive, so to express a -360 to 360 range you would use 0-720 and would need to group 10 outputs.
