Configure robot world "coordenates"

Started by luispacheco, May 31, 2023, 08:15:00 PM

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This is not PRC specific but maybe you can point me in the right direction. Our KR-30 is now working but when I jog it in world coordanates it still moves with a 45 degree angle diagonal, I am asuming this can be configured in the robot but not sure where.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I would take a look at the $ROBROOT in the machine.dat file and see if there is a 45 degree angle for A, that would explain that behaviour!




The variable is set at a frame with all values equal to 0


Asuming, someone in the last 2 years tried to master the robot and did it completelu wrong, could this be the issue? I checked in the work visual too and the robot looks to be setup correctly on a zeroed world coordenate.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Sorry for the late reply, I was on holiday for a bit.

Mastering should be easy to figure out - A1 at 0 degrees should have the robot facing straight away from its connectors at the back. If it's at 45 degrees then this is the problem!

However I assume that such a serious mis-alignment would lead to tons of issues, I guess the robot couldn't do a straight line. Also, A1 would sometimes hit the physical end-stop of the axis.

If it's not the mastering then I would start by making a backup of the hard disk and then looking into deploying a WorkVisual project from scratch.



I believe that unit has an external axis, which means there could be a variable of the MACHINE_DEF - depending on the configuration.