Floppy ? / Network Share

Started by Xylotica, September 18, 2015, 12:37:13 PM

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Newb problem again.

I was all excited that I would load and run my first program on the robot, and then realized that the only input in the pendant's interface was the floppy.
God ! I threw all my floppies away 15 years ago !
What is the trick to access the USB ports on the KRC2 ?

Thanks !

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Haha, I would recommend using Ethernet to get data onto the robot instead!
Switch into Windows, create a new user with a known password, and then share a folder (e.g. on the D: drive) via the regular Windows file-sharing. You can then copy the files on the KCP from D: to the robot drive.
I remember newer KRC2s working nicely with USB drives, I'll ask around if that is a software thing or (probably) a newer hardware revision.

As you mention running the first program: Make sure that both simulation and physical robot use the same tool and base number as well as XYZABC values! That is probably the most common thing that goes wrong.



Switch to Windows... I tried to do that but this pendant interface looks completely watertight.
Where's the "Get me the hell out of here !" button ?

If I understand you well, I need to create a network drive linked to a folder on my laptop.
But I suppose that I can't connect the two computers directly ; I need to go through a switch, right ?
Also, I need to drill a hole in the KRC2 console (uhg !) to let the ethernet cable through without having to open the door (which will of course shut down the power).

I've got the tool and base definition figured out, but I am unable to move the 92 kb of my tiny .src file from my computer to the robot's brain :(

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


You first have to change the user group to Expert (Configuration/User Group) - the password should be the name of a German robot manufacturer, four letters starting with a k ;)
I forgot to mention that USB drives by default only show up if you are in expert mode. So after changing the user group to Expert your USB drive may actually show up.
On KRC4 you switch to Windows via Service/Minimize HMI (or so, I'm on the train at the moment) and it should be similar on KRC2.
If you are using just one PC, you can also just assign a static IP address to the PC and use a single cable. If the robot's IP is set the PC to e.g. or so.
Otherwise I'd actually use a regular WiFi router, it's much more convenient than cables and you can probably squeeze a power cable into the cabinet without having to drill anything.

Our KUKA robots do not shut down when you open the door, but that my be something specific to your robot.



Thanks Johannes,

I'll try to setup a wireless link between my laptop and the console's PC ; I bet it can even be powered by the PC itself, or maybe plug-in a wi-fi hard-drive through USB.
There HAS to be something at this day and age to push data wirelessly between two computers.

But I understand I'll still have to get in and out of the KP...err...C  to move the files around because KUKA won't allow me to browse my drive.

Also, I noticed that the Group user groups always defaults to "Minion" or "Scoundrel", or whatever name they gave to the second-class users, and I need to change it to "Expert" and enter the super-secret code every time.
Is there a way to set "Expert" as default user ?


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Files are only compiled once they are copied onto the robot, so you cannot really circumvent that with the base configuration.
The... Minion/User mode is a safety feature, at least with KRC4 there is no easy way around it.
However, it is possible to display the USB drives also in User mode, check if the following directory exists on your robot: C:\KRC\UTIL\KRCCONFIGURATOR
It contains a help file and a utility that can set the robot to show other drives also in User mode.

As your robot is newly configured it may make sense to backup your harddrive before making any internal changes. KRC2 uses the old IDE interface for harddrives and won't fit most current external enclosures. Personally I create the images with the free version of Macrium Reflect.



Hi Johannes,

Old topic, I know, but I'm at it again :
I plugged in a "TP-link wireless Nano-router" on the ethernet port of the controller's PC.
The PC now connects to the wi-fi network, and can access Internet. YAY !
It also shows up on the local network, but I can't browse it's drives.

Sorry, I know this is more a network configuration question, but I've always been a complete numbskull when dealing with network issues.
From what you say, I understand that I will not be able to copy files directly in the robot's "Program" folder, but I'll have to store them in a custom folder, and load them through the KCP, is that correct ?

Also, I downloaded "Macrium reflect" and tried to install it, but the darn install window his higher than the pendant's screen and has no elevator on the side :(
I guess I'll have to hook-up a monitor on the x821 port....

Is it possible/wise to save the image on a USB stick ?


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

I'm not sure if it's the best idea to access the internet with the robot ;)
And yes, you need to write it to your e.g. D: drive and then copy it manually. Or you copy it to the KRC folder on the C: drive directly, but it will only show up in the robot directory after a reboot - which is slower than copying the files.
To access the files and share a folder, create a new Windows user (let's say user "kukashare" with password "kuka", just as a random example), right-click the folder and set the permissions so that "kukashare" can read and write to it.
If you want to clone the harddrive, I would rather plug it to another PC and then make an image. Not sure if the real-time system likes to be cloned while it is running.


All questions answered !

Thanks Johannes


Hi Johannes,

Still struggling with this file sharing hell.
I don't understand why I should create a new user on the controller's robot, since I want to access the shared folder from another computer on the network.

I can see the darn Kuka computer from my laptop, but I still don't see the shared folders inside...


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


The idea is that not everyone who is in the same phyiscal network as you should be able to access your shared files. In order to do so, you need to be in the same IP-range (e.g. go into the TCP/IP settings of your PC and assign it a static IP that is close to the one of your robot, e.g. if the robot is, then set the IP of your PC to - do not change any network settings on the robot side, that probably won't end well), the same workgroup (I believe the default is just WORKGROUP), and in most cases the other side has to authenticate itself somehow. In my experience with both Windows 95/XP (KRC2) and XP/7 (KRC4) creating a new user is the easiest way to get the login-data.
When you share a folder, make sure that your newly created user gets full read/write rights.
On your PC, go into the Windows explorer and enter the IP of the robot in the address-field on top, e.g. as \\ which would be the default IP.
Then it should prompt you for credentials, and you enter your username and password. Finally the files will show up.

If you require support on that, you don't need a robot engineer, but just someone with Windows networking knowledge!



Hi Johannes,

Fixed IPs ? That's probably not what an IT guy would have suggested, and I certainly can't ask the other people in the company to do so.
On the other hand, a random IP guy would probably don't know the default IP of a KUKA robot.

I'm amazed at how a lot of aspects of computers have been made extremely user-friendly, and how network settings are still in this archaic state.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Well, fixed IPs unless both your PC and the robot get the IP from a router/DHCP.
And yes, everything regarding networking that goes beyond "plug-it-in" and "enter key" is indeed quickly getting rather arcane...!


Well, I guess I'll hire a network guy then.

I think that part of the problem is having to deal with an antique Windows version.
Remember when USB was "plug-and-pray" ? Well that's where I live with the KRC2...

When I boot the controller, it will be visible on the network ... except when it doesn't.
I really wish that these robots were not locked like this to crummy old systems, and that the PCs could be upgraded.
What's the interest of being PC based if you can't benefit from the only thing that makes them worthwile ?

My friend Ludovic has a KRC4, but his robot is almost the exact same machine as Wall-E.

OK, end of rant.
I just wish I could spend more time in creativity, and less with all these silly issues.



Hello all,

KUKA Side: KRC2 Ed.05, windows XP SP2
PC Side: Windows 10

I want to share a folder in KUKA for easier files tranfering between my laptop and KUKA PC. I have done this steps:

1. setting convinient IP Address and Subnet Mask between two PC's
Result: according to the ping, two PC's can see each other with successful send and recieve data packages.

2. creating new local user group in windows XP with these properties:
Username: KUKA
Password: kuka

3. creating new folder in D:\ drive in windows XP and sharing it for everyone with full permission (read/write).

4. srearchnig KUKA IP address in laptop explorer (my case: \\

in this step, windows 10 need to enter network credentials. when I enter username and password from step 2, can't access to my shared folder and it complaining about 'wrong username or password'  issue.

I found three ways to disable network credentials in windows but there is no effect and it still needs proper username and password.

can somebody help please where I am doing wrong?