2D cutting

Started by Xylotica, December 13, 2015, 05:23:16 PM

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Did anyone already work on a GH definition to prepare curves for 2D cutting ?
-Sort "inner curves" to be cut before "outer curves"
-Offset curves to account for tool width
-Add small"lead in"  segments (on the proper side of pattern) to avoid starting off on part edges



Here's my first attempt.

Within the set of curves used as example, the definition finds and labels :
-Non-closed curves
-Cases where the lead-in segment cuts an actual part

The inner loops are cut first, and the offset for tool diameter is adjustable.
For the non straight shapes, I used an adjustable "divide by length" discretization; since I have a KRC2, I can't use the "Spline path".
It might be better to use "Circular paths", but I haven't found the way to deal with full circles yet.

Feel free to comment.



Here's a new version with :
-Debug for the case where there is only one part (one outer loop)
-Better offsets (thanks Markku)
-Better discretization of curves, based on deviation
-On-screen indication of outer and inner loop lengths (requires the "Human" plugin)
-"Flyover" time optimized for outer and inner loops

Cheers, and a happy new year to all !


Here's my first practical application of the definition : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLoKY71sPB0

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Beautiful, I shared it on our Facebook site as well!



Nice of you... Thanks !