Pause or reset of "Play" simulation

Started by Xylotica, April 17, 2016, 01:59:51 PM

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Hi !

It seems to me that the "Play" simulation feature becomes impossible to pause or reset in certain circumstances.
In simulations with many waypoints, this "locking" seems to occur quite often.

I guess I should always save my definition before running "Play" so that I can just crash Rhino and restart, but is it possible to give the user more control over this ?


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


By default, the Play component tries to automatically adapt itself to the computation time of the entire solution, but if you set a custom refresh it will try to enforce that, no matter how much performance it takes.

I'll look into making it more reliable, however it seems to be quite an underlying problem with Grasshopper, as its internal Timer component comes with a widget that operates outside Grasshopper to avoid these problems. Maybe I can integrate something like that...



Hi Johannes, I had no custom refresh value set.
Sometimes, it works very well though, even on tough stuff, but other times, user interaction (even rotation, pan and zoom in Rhino) becomes ineffective.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hmmm... This could happen when Rhino has to draw large amounts of geometry, i.e. when the drawing time is significant in relation to the computation time.
As I said, I'll look into it, but it's not an ideal situation to start with.
