WISH : expose "Tool" and "Base" parameters

Started by Xylotica, August 16, 2016, 08:56:52 PM

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Hi !

I think it would be nice to have the parameters (number, coordinates, angles) for "Tool" and "Base" exposed outside the "Tool" and "Core" component.
Not only would it be a good way not to fool ourselves in which tool and base number is used, but also, it would be nice to have direct control over the coordinates.

I know that it's supposed to be the other way around : first do the tool and base definition on the robot and then push the values in the simulation.
But look at it this way : suppose you have a table which is a good base.
You might want to figure out where to place it (along with whatever you want to process on that table)so as to have a successful simulation.
In that case, it would be nice to use sliders and fiddle a bit until you get rid of any angle overshoots or collisions.
Then, you will just move the physical table as close as possible to the simulation values, setup the base and input the precise real-world values in the simulation.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Got it, I'll have to think about a way to do it without needing a Core component with 24 inputs!



Hi Johannes,

You could use the same approach as Andy Heuman with the "Human" tools (see attached the example of the "Bake component").

This means in our case :

-Creating a "Base" component with all the required inputs, and plugging that in a "Base" input on the "Core" component.
-Adding the required inputs on the "Tool" component



Hi !

I am working on a definition for plasma cutting where the steel part will be used to define the base.
I don't yet know how to place it, but I'm sure that I want the part to stay on the origin of my rhino model.

Since the kinematics are a bit tricky, I need to fiddle with the base parameters to find where I need to place the part relative to the robot for a successful simulation / execution.

Therefor, it would greatly help if I could fiddle with the X, Y and Z of the base using sliders instead of opening the KUKA|prc component, changing the value, clicking apply, try a new value, etc....

I know that I could set the base to 0,0,0 ; move the part around, and when I have found the proper position, write down the coordinates of my reference point on the part, shift the part back to the origin and type in the offset values in the base parameters, but frankly, I find that this is quite backwards...


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

That one is quite a lot higher on the priority list than the offset speed. It should make it in one of the next releases!
