no CIR motion in KUKA sunrise robot language option

Started by UofM FABLab, August 15, 2018, 10:11:29 PM

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We have been trying to work with 'CIR Move' command in the prc, that outputs to KUKA Sunrise robot language.
We can see that the CIR command is being output after the 'WEAVE CMD' in Grasshopper. Thought once the file is saved as the .xml, the CIR command is simply eliminated from the series of commands.
If we change the language output option to PRC the CIR command is written properly to the .src file.
This there something we are missing or is the Kuka|PRC 'Sunrise language' not able to handle CIR commands.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Jason,

I actually recently integrated CIR and SPL movements into Sunrise, the "problem" is that it only works with the next release of KUKA|prc.
If the CIR movements are a priority for you, please send me an eMail and I'll send you a link to the new release.
