Robotiq 2F85 Clamp Pair in Sunrise Workbench

Started by dilysmoore, August 15, 2024, 10:55:38 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to using PRC and I am using an iiwa 14 r820 via sunrise workbench. I have noticed there is a component for multi state tools and I am wondering how it works and if it possible to control the attached gripper (robotiq 2f85 gripper) through the commands exported from PRC or if I have to add code into the "" file in sunrise ?

Many thanks in advance.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


The Multi-State Tool is mostly for visualization and some IO convenience. If the gripper has got its own library for operation, I would try to hack that into the Java file. So that rather then setting an output in an IOGroup, you toggle the gripper.
