Started by alvarogarciasab, May 20, 2022, 02:01:58 PM

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I am using merge to put some order between several commands.
I just want to add some wait commands in between. The result is that the wait command always goes up to the top of the list, being the first thing to execute by the robot.
I have jest confirmed that I am running with the last PRC version.

Is there someone experimenting the same issue?

Thanks in advanced,

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Without an example file that is hard to trouble-shoot, but I guess that you used the "Merge" command to put the series of commands together?
Now movement commands have often gone through a series of operations that introduces additional data structure, while Wait commands consist of just a single component and its output.
If you put the data into a panel, it shows you the branch name on top, e.g. "{0;0}". A wait command may just have {0} and would therefore be put first.
The "Simplify" and "Flatten" options could help, either use them as a separate component or by right-clicking an input - for example by enabling "flatten" for all inputs of the Merge component.

Please note that this is a GH thing and not directly related to KUKA|prc.

Hope that helps - if not please attach a simple example to illustrate your problem!




I was exactly what you mentioned.

That was my fault, it was about data structure.
I could play with the Weave command to alternate wait command and linear movements and then insert a longer wait command in between weaves commands.

Thank your your response!

Best regards,

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Awesome, thanks for the upgrade & glad that I could help!