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Topics - AADPL

Support / Roboteam example
January 16, 2024, 01:24:03 PM
Apologies if I've just been unsuccessful in finding an existing topic, but I was wondering if there was a tutorial or example file for making two robots work together in Roboteam using KUKA|prc?
General Discussion / Boolean output for robot movement
January 16, 2024, 01:21:26 PM
I was wondering if anyone had had any experience in trying to output a digital signal if the robot is moving? For example, if it is moving then digital out 1 would be HIGH, and if it is not moving then digital out 2 would be LOW. The application of this would be for 3D printing, i.e. disabling the extrusion motor if the TCP of the robot isn't moving to stop it from creating a massive blob of clay/molten plastic.
Support / Calibrating KP1-V500 with KUKA|prc
April 28, 2022, 07:03:09 PM
I've followed Karl Singline's video tutorial ( on how to set up a custom turntable in Grasshopper and now have a lovely path which can be seen in the attached Rhino and Grasshopper files. To get it to work, I used the custom turntable block and set X = 1382, Y = 666, Z = 705, which results in a satisfactory simulation.

When I tried to run the program on the robot though, the robot tries to reach the coordinates very literally, which means that the robot starts reaching for a point near the "origin", which is somewhere in its own base. i.e. the highlighted coordinates in the left image correspond correctly to the KUKA|prc geometry in grey in the right image, but actually the robot's origin is shown relatively in green in the right image. So essentially, the grasshopper simulation doesn't correspond to the physical movements of the robot.

Some more exploring led me to Karl's top tip #1 ( for making sure you actually define what base the robot should be using, and then petrvacek's post (,1126.0.html) about calibrating external kinematics. Which both to me sounded like a good point to trouble shoot.

That led me to try and carry out step 2 for Calibrate External Kinematics Root Point for my KP1-V500 (see picture below). But when trying to do this step, if I rotate E1 manually to 4 different angles, and get our calibrated spike to touch the engraved cross at all 4 points then I get an error that is larger than 100mm, and if I just try and locate the root point in the middle 4 times then it says there is not enough movement between the points.

So essentially, I'm confused. I'm not sure if I'm doing the Calibrate External Kinematics Root Point right, and if this will indeed solve my problem, or if there is somewhere else I'm going wrong in the Grasshopper/prc plugin.

Thanks for the help!