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Topics - victorlin

Hi all,
I'm currently a PhD student and thinking of doing an exchange/visiting scholar to collaborate and do research with other schools.
I'm wondering if anyone have any recommendations regarding which university/faculty is doing architecture related robotics? (and would be interested in accepting exchange/visiting scholar)
Ideally it would be an exchange/research that lasts between 6 to 12 months.
Robotics, manufacturing and programming are all fields that I'm familiar with.
General Discussion / Custom User Keys?
March 16, 2021, 04:15:05 AM

I'm wondering if anyone know how to map the bottom left user keys to something.
There doesn't seem to be much documentation on this.
I think I read somewhere before that I need to buy tech packages to enable them?
I'm wondering if it's possible to put the controller on the internet and control it from the internet.
Obviously there are tons of risks involved with this, and I understand those risks.
Risks aside, I have KukaProxyVar (KVR) installed on my controller, and I have the controller connected to a local offline router.
I can communicate with KVR if I connect to that router.

Now I'm thinking, if I connect that router to the internet, and port forward port 7000, I can then communicate with KVR over the internet, I tried it, but it didn't work.

So i'm wondering if anyone has tried something similar?
Support / IIWA SendKeepAliveMessage Failed
September 06, 2020, 05:09:43 AM

I'm running into a problem where the IIWA controller(?) would freeze and it'll display an message SendKeepAliveMessage Failed.
What I'm doing is using a modified read XML program, it runs in a loop, constantly checking D drive every half seconds for new files.
In D drive i have 2 files, one is simply a text file, if the content is 1, the robot reads and executes the second file then rewrites the first file to 0.
This program runs fine for short periods, but if left running for a while, the message SendKeepAliveMessage Failed will freeze the robot.
How can i fixed this?
(ideally I would be using the communicator solution, but for certain reasons, I'd prefer not to use it for now)

Attached is the program I'm running and the screenshot of the message




I've recently been running into this issue:

1. Solution exception:The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\kukaprc_project.xml' because it is being used by another process.

but as far as I know, no other process is using it, and I've also checked simulate without KRL generation, but this still pops up.
Sliding the simulation slider will make the error go away but it'll popup again later.

I'm on the lastest version 20200519

Sorry if the explaination is no good, it's been a long day, attached is the file with the error.


General Discussion / [Misc] How to simplify mesh
July 05, 2020, 06:42:21 AM

I'm working with meshs recently, and i'm having difficulties simplifying the mesh without affecting the overall shape and quality too much.
I've noticed that the mesh models of PRC is quite nice, mostly quadmesh with decent shape and quality.

So i'm wondering if there's a recommended workflow in simplifying meshs.


Hi Everyone,

I'm testing the IIWA, and i'm using the sunrise communicator component to control the IIWA.
I can send commands no problem, but I can't get the component to output an info for axis and pos.
Is there any special setup/hardware required for this?

What I'm trying to do is have grasshopper read the position/torque of the robot, and send different movements accordingly.
This seems to be not possible, since:
1.communicator is no outputing values
2.communicator needs movements commands to work, it cannot simply listen?

Also, When i end the PRC_RunUDP, i'm gettings a few errors on the HMI: socket closed
  at (Native Method)
  at (Unknown Source)
  at (Unknown Source)
  at (
The task didn't terminate within 15.0s: shutdown timeout while waiting ofr Main thread
Doesn't seems to matter much, but are these errors normal?

If someone can give share some thoughts on this.


Victor Lin