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Messages - hyun.parke

Okay here's the definition I'm having trouble with.

I kept getting the same error message so I simplified it down, but still getting the same compilation errors.

Thanks Johannes, will try with the reduce filesize unchecked.

By they way I already have a member license from this year!  :D
Thanks Johannes for quick reply,

Safe space option? I assume it is related to code generation so I looked up  KUKA PRC settings, but can't find it.

Where should I look for? Or do you mean by safe plane?

I have recently started milling surfaces with KR6 900 with Kress 1050 spindle.

KUKA PRC works fine most of the time but sometimes when the src file is moved to the KRC - meaning when the file is compiled, - I am given a compilation error.

Sometimes it only gives a few lines of error, which I can manually work on but the file I am attaching gives me a whopping 900 lines of errors when the total number of lines is around 930.

Simulation doesn't show anything much, it looks fine as the ones that work okay.

What could have caused this error and how can I prevent it?