Fix end effector to stay tangent to rotary

Started by distantkitty, April 10, 2024, 08:12:32 PM

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I have a rotary axis which I'm trying to extrude about a surface. Just trying to do a spiral-in/out, I can't seem to keep my extruder tangent to the surface. It seems there is a racing issue? I checked how the speeds were interpolated, but maybe I'm just overlooking something.

I'm trying to 'fix' the extruder tip so it does not rotate around the model. Almost like cutting on a lathe, but I hope to extrude.

Attached is the .gh with internalized data.
Image1 is an example of the extruder moving around the turn table.
Image2 is how I want fix the extruder.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I assume that the automatic solver keeps the values within a range and does not rotate infinitely. I'll have to look at that in more detail.
I've plugged in the code from the Custom Turntable Strategy example from the forum and it seems to work nicely!



Awesome! I thought I was using this portion of the code correctly, it appears I removed the  PRC Orient Plane component at one point by accident.

As always, I appreciate it.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Great, thanks for the feedback!